Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Abby the Cat

This is what Abby mostly does, I think it is her job.

She also patrols the garden, but not so happily during watering, here she plots reaching the porch with dry paws.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

TT Growth

Even Topsy Turvey tomatoes grow up! Maybe it is not the tomato that is Topsy Turvey, but someone else....hmmm.

Monday, June 21, 2010


This evening I saw red tomatoes! Had I missed them? When I picked them I noticed several were bursting and had holes filled with blackness. The wholes looked like bore holes made by a worm the size of my pinky. Too gross and disappointing to photograph. They went into the compost bin.
So, I picked some still green tomatoes, but ones that seemed, based on all my seasoning, about ready, to ripen inside the house. I left some on the vine too, an experiment. I want a few red, whole tomatoes!
I'm going to celebrate my red tomatoes with a gin and tonic; wonder where the Persian limes really come from?

Sunday, June 20, 2010


All my tomatoes are green. How long should I expect to wait until I see some red? It seems so long that they have been hanging there, green. I can't remember which variety I planted for the first bunch, but they weren't green tomatoes, I know. The other ladies at Church all have harvested many tomatoes already. I'm green.
Here's a pic of Abby, yellow cheers me up, while I wait.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Vegetable gardening helps me look more closely at plants, they change so much! Still feels like a miracle to recognize a new basil, squash, tomato, eggplant and pepper (especially pepper) in the world; I can't believe at first I failed to look for them under the leaves!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

TT Bloomin too!

Saw a blossom on the Topsey Turvy Tomato this morning!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Too early for the Topsy Turvy to be blooming (two weeks old), but the zinnias and eggplants are blooming. The mandevillia is a delight, its large pink blooms hold their own even next to the sunflowers. It is latched on and climbing the string I hung from the rafter of neighbor's garage. May it cover the wall and beyond!

I'm anxiously awaiting the first blush on my tomatoes (grown the old fashioned way) and watching some perfect little, bell peppers. Wonder if I'll get another yellow squash or two on the last surviving plant, probably so.

From this tasty squash recipe I discovered fennel, yum!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

squash blossom cuisine

I harvested squash blossoms in the early morning, when they are open, and then kept them in the frig in a container during the day. They were still open in the evening, when I stuffed them with feta, battered and fried them up for guests. They were good! And I liked saying, "squash blossoms, from my garden! "

P.S. My pic outs my indulgence of Abby the cat strolling the kitchen counter. Hope ya'll will forget before you eat at my house again. She's just curious, and I do wipe it down pretty often, and.... she has white paws?!)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Garden Porn

Pardon the expression, but I've been tempted to use it since I heard it. Last night, Judy S. gently explained to me the difference between squash blossoms, some are boy and some are girl. And she had some ideas about what to do with the boys (culinary ideas!) So, I was out in the garden this morning looking under the leaves! I harvested some of the good-for-eatin boy squash blossoms, next, I attempt appetizers.
Topsy Turvy tomato seems to be doing well, and I enjoy a variation in the watering experience. Zinnias are blooming and I am very pleased with my "two window box" shed.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Remembering the Shed Warming

Got Ardis' great photos from my Shed Warming. Thanks to all the friends and neighbors for bringing (and sending) their warm shed wishes, I'm still enjoying the karma. And also the wonderful shed and garden and culinary loot! The beer and wine ya'll brought was wonderful on the day and lingers yet, thanks sooo much to all of ya'll. My shed and I are blessed!