Saturday, June 5, 2010

Garden Porn

Pardon the expression, but I've been tempted to use it since I heard it. Last night, Judy S. gently explained to me the difference between squash blossoms, some are boy and some are girl. And she had some ideas about what to do with the boys (culinary ideas!) So, I was out in the garden this morning looking under the leaves! I harvested some of the good-for-eatin boy squash blossoms, next, I attempt appetizers.
Topsy Turvy tomato seems to be doing well, and I enjoy a variation in the watering experience. Zinnias are blooming and I am very pleased with my "two window box" shed.


  1. No porn like plant porn. Can't wait to hear your culinary update. Yum!

  2. Yay! Caro's got a blog! I'll be back to read more...
    Cheerio, Val
